Mind Health Care

Our psychological Service

Our diverse staffs offers a range of psychological treatment and prevention. Art of freeing provides a range of counselling services to our valuable clients.


Depression is a mood disorder that affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. Managing your stress may help you to get things done. We offer stress management sessions to identify the stressors, for leading happier and healthier lives.

Fear and Anxiety

It’s normal to feel anxious or fearful of a conceivably distressing circumstance. On the off chance that these sentiments are enduring quite a while, they can be overwhelming. Talking with us can help in numerous ways we recognize what might be causing your nervousness. We encourage our customers to investigate basic reasons for their fears to assist in bettering and get them to see in a more practical way. Our service is gainful for assisting to conquer the disturbing issues.

Over Weight Reduction

Managing your weight within a healthy range can reduce your risk of over weight problems. Weight management services are offered with weight-loss programs, meal replacement programs (low- calorie diets), and kilojoule-controlled meal programs and suitable exercises.

Suicidal Thoughts and Confusions

It isn’t uncommon for a person having suicidal thoughts to feel ashamed or worried that people are not going to be understanding and supportive to you. We are with you we won’t lead you to think about your previous issues. Suicidal behavior is complex, with many influencing factors. Dealing with stressful or traumatic past or present events, death, loss, can play a role in causing emotional pain. Let us talk it out.

Relationship Problems

We offer marital, premarital counseling to clarify all your confusions on intimacy, responsibility, and duties towards your partner. We intend to repair and rebound broken relationships and prevent break-ups by listening non judgmentally on issues you want reveal.

Poor School Performance

Poor performance at school is a serious issue that should be addressed. In order to find the right solutions, the first thing that must be taken we must find out the cause. It may reflect in a way that your child scores poor marks, always sit lonely , getting irritated easily , not playing with the friends , finds school is not a happy place . We can talk to your child and asses the cause help get back the energy to do well in the school.

Children Gaming Addiction.

Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is a new disorder among children world over. It has started affecting during covid pandemic period. If your child spends more 30 mins in internet games then he or she has the risk of developing gaming addiction. It may lead to over weight problems, affects the eyes and vision and poor performance in studies. We can help your child to come out the risky behavior and put them on right tract to perform in every activities of their life.

Corporate/Employee Counselling

Stress has become integral part of work culture. Many employees under-perform in their job due to Mental stress. They may face distress from family, people around and poor well-being of the Mind . With the support and right counselling, by opening with the counsellor their problems can be easily cleared up. We highly recommend counselling sessions for problem facing employees. After counselling, the employer can openly notice that they bounce back and do their job well. Note: session can be conducted in group counselling mode or individually)

Exam Fear

Fear about Exams are quite normal among school going children . If the exam fear cross certain limit where the student “sweat and shiver” or any kind of disinterest or showing signs of giving up of taking exams. This is where counselling intervention is required.  We highly recommend counselling talk up for support seeking students as early as possible.

Career Counselling

Are you Genetically coded for right job? Why many people switch jobs on and off? We can help you to end your job search and settle on happy working.

Open for Appointments

Feel better on the inside which strives for a better approach to your life! Contact us now for our appointments.

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